有機耕作? Organic Farming?




What is Organic Farming?

The public are getting more familiar with the term "Organic Farming". Many people would perceive it as "a farming method avoiding the application of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers". However, Organic Farming has a deeper meaning that this farming method when getting a deeper understanding on Organic Farming, it is actually a holistic agricultural system that can achieve a balance in the economic, social and environmental aspects through the improvement of biodiversity and soil organisms' activities and the reduction of external material inputs to the system resulting in a self sustained income level for farmers, safe food production for consumers and a sustainable ecological environment.
According to (CODEX) which is formed by (FAO) and (WHO) in formulating food standards, the "Guidelines for the Production, Processing and Labeling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods" revised in 2001:
"Organic Farming is a holistic agricultural system emphasizing on the ecological balance of human beings and its environment for food production."
Furthermore, the IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing (version 2002) published by IFOAM can enrich our understanding on organic farming. It defines Organic farming is a set of agricultural system that allows sustainability of the ecosystem, food production, good nutrition, animal welfare and social justice.

Organic farming demands experience and techniques in farming. The producers shall plan and grasps the characteristics of crops in the crop selection, crop rotation and pest control aspects.

Source: HKORC